Commercial Roofing Business: Tips for Success in 2022

Kenneth Byler of Great Lakes Commercial Roofing, LLC knows how to start a successful commercial roofing company. As one of the most successful commercial roofers under the age of 30, Kenneth has achieved results that few can match.

Kenneth joined the Roofer’s Paradise podcast to discuss how he got into the commercial roofing business, the value of mentorship, and the advantages of commercial roofing versus residential roofing.

The Value of Roofer Mentorship

Kenneth started his roofing company at 18 years old with no business experience. As a result, he sought out a business coach and a group of mentors to help him avoid common pitfalls for commercial roofing startups. Ken credits his mentorship group with his ongoing success.

The Importance of a Strong Roofing Company Owner

The #1 reason why roofing companies fail is because of incompetent ownership. If an owner stops learning, growing, and improving, the company will follow suit. Rarely is it the fault of a lower-level employee when a roofing business goes bankrupt. Instead, it’s the owner’s fault.

Merging Mindsets with Skillsets for Roofers

We hear a lot about the roofer’s mindset, and for good reason. Having a positive business mindset is very important for growing your business. However, it will only work if you combine your mentality with skills and knowledge. You can’t simply self-talk your way to success. Instead, you must continue to seek out knowledge and develop or master skills.

The Farmer’s Work-Ethic for Roofers

Ken Byler is so successful at a young age because he grew up on a farm where he developed an elite-level work ethic. With farm work, there are no breaks because you work all day. As a result, you get a great night’s sleep because of the physical labor.

While you can’t directly translate farm work to business work (primarily because farm labor feels much different and creates satisfaction you can’t emulate), you can utilize the work ethic to maximize your roofing business.

Commercial Roofing vs. Residential Roofing

The commercial roofing business has several advantages compared to residential roofing. That’s not to dismiss residential roofing company owners but instead to point out the differences. 

For example, commercial roofing companies make more money doing fewer jobs. Secondly, they typically enjoy better business interactions by dealing with a fellow business owner rather than a homeowner.

Great Lakes Commercial Roofing, LLC

Kenneth’s Roofing Company, Great Lakes Commercial, LLC, operates multiple locations in Pittsburgh, PA, Meadville, PA, and Dubuque, IA. The company offers the best commercial roof coatings and restoration projects in the region, thanks to Ken’s elite-level leadership skills. 

Aside from running a successful commercial roofing business, Kenneth is a contributing author at Forbes Councils, where he’s earned membership for his outstanding business ventures in the roofing industry.

Roofer’s Paradise Podcast

If you’d like to join Roofer’s Paradise podcast as a guest, contact us today. We are always open to new guests who are open to discussing the journey in the roofing industry and helping other contractors learn from their experiences. Nolen Walker is the host of Roofer’s Paradise and is willing to discuss your industry background.